Yay!!! Im really pleased, partly because I actually managed to stick to it, and complete all the challenges - I am usually really bad for starting a competition and then halfway through pulling out because I cant get the challenges done in time.
Here's my entry for round 4:
I went for something a little different with the title, and just traced around some pink paislee alphas I had. I actually quire like the result, I think it would look kinda cool over the top of some glimmer mist or crafty notions sprays.
Detail Shot:
And now for something different, some piccies of my beautiful Lily. Yesterday she went to the 2nd birthday party of her little friend Lincoln (that would be Con, according to Lily), she was so excited and put on her best party dress and shoes, and the entire way there she was clutching his present, adamant that she was the only one allowed to give it to him.
My beautiful little Butterfly, she loves getting her face painted, and waited patiently while the other kiddies got their faces done, and then jumped up excitedly screaming "my turn now":
Today we took her out to the beach for a bit of a play, and she's definetly my daughter she hates the sand! On the way home we stopped and she had a bit of a play in the park, and I was lucky enough to be able to snap this photo of Lil and Ian: